If you read the books from Vladimir Megre about Anastasia, a girl living in the middle of the Taiga in Russia, you can't help to wonder who or what she really is. It took me a long time to accept who she is but before I tell you what I believe, let's first discuss people's opinions which float around on the Internet.
The Financial Times calls it a Fairy Tale. Ok, you can't expect much from the mainstream media. No offence taken. But if you do some research about what regular readers of the books think who Anastasia is, you find perhaps understandingly that a lot of people either think that she is not a normal human being or that it doesn't matter where the teachings come from.
I understand. The author Vladimir Megre describes numerous scenes where he sees her teleport, change the color of a flower, vaporize a rock, visit other planets, accurately remote views, create holograms in mid-air, heal others, perform various forms of telepathy, have detailed knowledge of the entire earth's history, and at times even has direct conversations with our creator. Who wouldn't call this at the very least non-human?
The problem with viewing Anastasia as something non-human or transcendental is twofold. First, it goes directly against her own sayings, something that she clarifies and insists on many times in the books. Anastasia insists that she is Man, a normal human being like anyone else. She insists she is no transcendental being. And Vladimir insists that she is real and did not make her up. Better yet, she is alive and well today.
The other issue with viewing Anastasia as non-human or half human is that it goes against a fundamental teaching of her. That is the teaching that Man is the pinnacle of creation and that everyone has within them the abilities she has. In our technological quest we have lost our true capabilities and we have lost our way, but deep within we are still the sons and daughters of our creator who has bestowed upon us limitless potential.
It is this very teaching that is perhaps one of the most powerful ones in the books. If we believe that we are stupid, ignorant, careless, or an accident of evolution, and if we can't see our true divine self, we can't fix the mess we have created on this planet. But if we view ourselves as the children of our creator with the same capabilities deep within, we will overcome our fall from grace and rebuild this beautiful planet to the glory it once was.
This is why it is so important to see Anastasia as who she really is. Someone like you and me. A real and normal person. And it does matter where the information comes from. If the information were to come from some disembodied intelligence, you are denying yourself the view that no one alive, much less you, could have the knowledge, intelligence, and capabilities Anastasia has, and thus perpetuating the notion that we are either a failed experiment of our creator or a freak accident of evolution.
Anastasia at one point goes to great lengths to prove to our creator that all of his creations are perfect, including us. She shows that we can fix this mess ourselves and that we don't need his help saving ourselves. By accepting our own divinity and undoing what has been done wrong, we prove to him that we are indeed his beloved children, no matter how lost we are.