Anastasia was never a fan of technology. I was kind of sad about that, the first time I read the Ringing Cedars of Russia from Vladimir Megre. At the time I was heavily involved in all sorts for technological projects. Most of this was as a hobby and some for my work. But, I liked nature too and I could find peace with her dislike for technology. One thing I didn't understand though. Can't technology also solve the problem it itself created? I realize there was some irony and paradox in that reasoning but somehow I thought it might be possible
So I embarked on a journey of using technology to educate myself and learn the skills required to operate and make use of technology, to design technology which solves one major problem technology creates. I kid you not, it made sense at the time, before this Vedruss awakened.
Basically I was trying to make free energy devices (zero point energy). I tired various ideas, mainly over unity permanent magnet motors and hydrogen generators. I was ridiculed a number of times by people quoting the first law of thermodynamics. But I also met a lot of people who were also working in this field. So I didn't care about the criticism. I was on a mission to save the planet.
After researching this technology for a number of years and extensively working on it myself (without success), I did noticed something very interesting. There have been many claims of working devices being made in the past but none of them have ever made it to market. Some people cite suppression as the reason, others fraud. I think it is something else, namely secrecy. Provided the project isn't fraudulent (some are), the problem isn't the Men in Black but the inventors themselves. They want to keep the technology secret for their own personal gain, and so it will stay secret. That's just the way energy flows, ironically.
Free energy devices are sometimes quoted as the best way to save the planet but after reading all books from Anastasia a second time ten years later, I changed my mind. The irony of technology solving the problems of technology aside, a free energy device would be a drop in the bucket. This is because in order to make such a device, industry is required. The devices which it powers require industry to produce and maintain them. Every technological device, or even everything which you can't find in nature requires industry to produce and maintain it. And industry pollutes the earth.
For example, let's say you can run your car using a device which pulls energy out of the vacuum. It doesn't create harmful exhaust gasses. So far so good. But where do the metal parts come from? This has to be dug out of the ground, refined, molded, and all of this requires machinery which contain all sorts of parts such as plastics, electronics, lubrication (oil), etc. The car itself also contains all these materials. And in order to produce all these materials, polluting industry is required. It may be possible to reduce the pollution industry creates but only up to a point, otherwise the end product becomes unaffordable. And what happens with the product when it reaches its end of life? It will end up on a dump or is incinerated, also creating tons of pollution.
I won't go into a discussion whether CO2 creates global warming / climate change because that is beside the point. We are still stuck with ever growing landfills, rivers and oceans full of litter, and a large amount of fresh water contaminated with such a great amount of heavy metals, pesticides, and other poisons that you can't drink it. But technology to the rescue, we can just decontaminate the water so it becomes drinkable.
But first we had to suffer for two decades at school to learn all sorts of things we never need so that we can have a job and work way too much and way too hard on something we don't like anymore or never liked in the first place. And all of that in order to afford gadgets which make our life "easier", and to live in a house and wear clothing so we feel "better". But are we really so happy after all that effort? And if we continue on this course, it will one day lead to an uninhabitable planet for us and our children.
We have reached the lowest point in our so called civilized society. So if free energy isn't the answer, then what is? You might not like the answer because it involves going to rehab and getting rid of your addiction. Your (and my) addiction to technology. What if I told you have to give up your iPhone, your laptop, your car, everything. Comforting thought? I don't like that thought either. I will be the first one to admit that I am not there yet. But think of it this way. Imagine you were living 1000 years ago. There were no electronics, no cars, just the basics. Were you unhappy because you didn't have your iPhone? That is not to say that life was pleasant just because things were simple, of course you have to live in a peaceful and supportive community, living in harmony with nature.
Another way to think of it is like this. If I ask you to think of an image of paradise. What image pops up in your mind? Tarmac streets with busy traffic and concrete apartment blocks? Or an image of lush nature, maybe a tropical beach with palm trees and a blue ocean with stunning coral, or perhaps a scene in the middle of the forest or jungle, laying in a hammock next to a waterfall with rays of light shining through the trees and butterflies flying around? I have been there, I am not making it up.
Everyone likes nature. We put flowers and plants in our houses, we like trees next to the road, and when we have the ability to go on holiday, paradise sounds alluring. So if you can afford to go on holiday and spend some time in paradise, why not stay there permanently? No need to work, no need to go to school, no need to get rid of your trash, no worries, just enjoy all day. Man is clever enough to figure out that you put a seed in the ground, it will grow a tree or plant which can feed you for free. Of course it will take some time but with a bit of planning and patience, there is no need to do much.
I know that the idea of giving up our current way of living is quite a stretch but it is the only way to prevent this planet from becoming uninhabitable in the long run. And as a bonus, we will be much, much happier. Of course the way this must happen is voluntary, not by force. That will not work. Some people will defend their way of life until the end. I cannot blame them. I understand. I would have done the same not so long ago. When I first saw a video from the World Economic Forum about "you will own nothing and you will be happy" I thought that they had the same idea I had but of course that is not what these people are after. They are looking to build a totalitarian one world government designed to enslave the people even more so that we can provide the goods and services they themselves so desperately need. That is not going to happen. It will be a peaceful change and people will want to change themselves.
The images of Anastasia, the same ones I am working on, are images of love, joy, positivity, and true happiness. No one will be ever forced to do something they don't want. The way it will happen is by example. More and more people will change their way of life and others will see they joy on their faces. This will make them want to join. It is that simple. The Vedruss people are awakening. It happened to me, and it will happen to more and more people. Together we set the example and more and more people will follow. Anastasia has already succeeded with her image. It is now only a matter of time before we can see what she sees.