I started this journey over ten years ago. Someone suggested a series of books to me which he thought I might find interesting. It was the Ringing Cedars of Russia, by Vladimir Megre. Curious, I ordered the first book and started reading. I normally don't like to read books, except for something spiritual. It didn't take long before I was hooked. I had something profound in my hands, I knew it.
I ended up reading all nine books about Anastasia, but not in nature as recommended. Nevertheless, I could feel the incredible power in the words. And something amazing happened. I fell in love with Anastasia, just by reading the books. Now, this was quite odd. I had never fallen in love with someone I had never met. I enjoyed the feeling and obviously couldn't do anything with that, but it was ok.
Unfortunately I did not change my way of life, as suggested in the books. At the time I was at the start of my career, realizing my childhood dream of being an airline pilot, against all odds and against all people's recommendations. They thought I could not do it but I showed them otherwise. I was commuting between the UK and the Netherlands and never sat still. At the same time I was very busy trying to get free energy technology to work using all sorts of hardware and software development. I never succeeded in getting anything of this to work and it was a major cause of insomnia. Regardless, I didn't want to change my life. I could see all sorts of problems caused by my (and our collective) way of life, but I thought I could fix the issues on the surface instead.
Then I lost my job in the UK and found a new job in Vietnam. Not exactly close, but surely fun. It was quite a culture shock, but I loved it. The weather, the food, the lifestyle, the money, the women, everything. In the process I sort of forgot about Anastasia.
Fast forward ten years. I got married, had two kids, and settled down. No more outrageous lifestyle. Anastasia was always in the back of my mind though and a strange set of circumstances let me to start reading the books again. I might explain how that happened in another blog post. At first I thought reading the books again would be boring because I'd read everything before and remembered pretty much everything. Or so I thought.
The place where I lived when I started reading the books again, had a small garden with some trees and birds singing. There was a road close by with the occasional noisy motorbike, but other than that, quite ok. Maybe this is what did it, or maybe it was the fact that I had changed a lot through the years, or perhaps it was because I wasn't tired all the time anymore. But something incredible happened when I read the books for the second time.
It is a bit embarrassing saying this, but sometimes when I read a certain paragraph, I was overcome with emotion and started crying. Luckily no one was ever close by to see this and I quickly wiped away my tears, looking left and right checking if anyone had seen me. I often did not understand why I had such a strong emotional reaction to a particular piece of text. I usually had to read it again a few times to see what triggered the reaction. There was even one incredible moment when I again started crying after just glancing at a paragraph, not consciously reading it at all.
There were so many things in the books I had completely forgotten. It was as if I read everything for the first time. It hit me deep in my soul. And I wasn't even in the middle of nature, and was reading the books from a PDF file on my kindle! It did not seem to make a difference.
I could not believe how I could forget about the significance of the teachings of Anastasia. But this time I was certain. I had the most profound series of books in my hand, surpassing anything ever written in the history of mankind. And this time I was not going to forget about it, ever again.
When I was reading the books, I also started searching the internet to see if there were any websites or blogs dedicated to the teachings of Anastasia. There were some, but not many. Surprisingly little actually. The movement is definitely growing and there are even hundreds of kin domain settlements in Russia and some in other countries, but the movement was not as big as I had hoped. Of course I didn't participate in any of it before so I set out to change that. I created this website as a place to meet like-minded people and to put my thoughts out there. I had thoughts of publishing the books in Vietnamese also but unfortunately that has a low change of getting approved by the government as it has some unfavorable references to communism, something people still believe in here. Since I don't want to sensor the books, I had to find other ways of being a part of the ringing cedars community. For now, this website will do. Next will be creating my own kin domain and let's see where it goes from there.
So here we are now. With a fresh website, started in April 2021, making an effort to accelerate, and being part of the amazing images of Anastasia.
Anastasia, I love you with all my heart.